Particolarmente indicato in caso di rapporti sessuali dolorosi.
mucus It is essential for body function and acts as a protective and moisturizing layer to keep critical organs from drying out. Introduce how mucins, the building blocks of mucus, are synthesized, how their expression is regulated and achieved, and how they make crucial contributions to health and disease. Solubile in acqua, non contiene sostanze grasse, non lascia residui, non macchia. La secchezza vaginale è un sintomo molto frequente tra le donne di tutte le età; Vidermina intima mucus è un gel vaginale ad azione lubrificante utile per contrastare la secchezza vaginale e prevenire infiammazioni e irritazioni che possono seguire. It contains antibodies and bacteria. The structure of mucus varies depending on its purpose and the area of your body in which it is found. Mucus is a complex aqueous fluid that owes its viscoelastic, lubricating and hydration properties to the glycoprotein mucin combined with electrolytes, lipids and other smaller proteins.

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